about fish-bone
no chest/nips, mitten-like paws, sheds a lot, no scales, skin is rubber texture
online gambling problem, smokes hookahs + chain smokes, does construction in the summer /
pawn shop in the winter
hockey, gaming, the beach, sleeping on the couch, waterfalls, light houses, mugs, truck
stops, shiny metals
bugs, over-heating, loud music, meat, thunderstorms
favorite foods:
kombucha, watermelon, raspberries, toast, dumplings, almond butter, coffee, blueberries,
chinese take-out
sockeye salmon-brown bear
alaskan gay male in his 30s
mostly nonverbal, autistic, cane use optional
clothing: button ups, sweaters, hoodies, vests, tank tops & fishing, outdoors, or
sea-themed clothing
LUKEEE / petyou (2023-FOREVER)