my experience with cannabis
i work in the industry, badged and everything! [cool emoji here] unfortunately, i recently
quit my first job due to poor management. i was lucky enough to work through the
legalization of recreational in ohio. how fun! i was apart of selling some of the first
legal weed in the state! i got a new job! i will be a manager at a new store that hasn't
opened yet! it's with my friend janet!
i love my career! i love being able to help patients. i love talking to patients about their
conditions and helping them find solutions, that work! they come back and you form a
relationship, this part of my job is so rewarding. it feels like i am genuinely doing
something. i can see the changes i bring to others' lives.
i have myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome. when i got sick with the
epstein-barr virus i felt like my life was over. i was heartbroken and i felt like my life
was ripped away from me. i was fourteen and planning to go to college at a regional campus
the next year, i still did it!!

my memory and brain function declined so quickly during this time and i felt like the life i
knew was going to end. i tried a lot of different medications to help me, but the side
effects either made me manic and not sleep for days at a time or so fatigued and exhausted i
slept for most of the day. for the most part i gave up and was just trying to power
through... which made things worse. i was introduced to cannabis when i was sixteen, at
first i used it recreationally.
i think most people using cannabis 'recreationally' are using it for some medical purpose,
whether that be anxiety, sleep issues, pain, etc. people just struggle to communicate their
needs in a way that medical professionals take seriously because of bias.
i feel that cannabis is the correct treatment for symptoms that negatively affect autistic
people's quality of life. cannabinoids' job is to create homeostasis in the body. autistic
bodies' main struggle is with regulation. whether that be emotional, physical, or social. my
personal belief is autism and neurodivergence is related to the endocannabinoid system. the
endocannabinoid system regulates and controls many of our most critical bodily functions
such as learning and memory, emotional processing, sleep, temperature control, pain control,
inflammatory and immune responses, and eating. (
to me, it feels obvious, especially considering how much cannabis helps not just autistic
people, but also those with common co-morbid disorders and illnesses (like ehlers danlos
syndrome, auto-immune disorders, seizure disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, ect.) that are
associated with autism.