hi, i'm luke (he/him) this is my neocities! hope you like it! WARNING: this site isn't mobile-friendly or accessible. wifi can prevent images from loading on mobile. click each container to scroll, refresh/zoom if needed. with scroll 'always enabled', the site looks hideous.
what would you be?
add my button to your website!

check these sites out!
click for palestine
donate if able
try to boycott
luke is feeling:
The current mood of petyou at www.imood.com
unique visits!
Web Clap by FC2
peeping toms:
the image of the month is...

what am i doing?:
watching: elevation (2024), heretic (2024), the front room (2024), milo murphy's law, the great north
listening: st. chroma tyler the creator , filthy dog joost , on the rob cheap dirty horse, get thee behind me, satan pete seeger/almanac singers
smoking: SAMO 78 (my friend janet grew it!), northern lights sugar (anarchy extracts), umm a lot of stuff from michigan
living: new job, manager at new weed store help me pay off my medical bills
LUKEEE / petyou (2023-FOREVER)